For the first time in Russia!

Marina Mashtakova became the first person with Down syndrome employed to take care of the elderly in Russia. This became possible thanks to the close cooperation of the Downside Up Charity Foundation with the Opeka management which created the conditions for Marina to study for several months and provided her with the opportunity to officially get a job after a successful internship.

Marina now works as an assistant specialist in the care of the elderly under the guidance of a supervisor. The girl helps to feed them, carry out simple sanitary measures, participates in the leisure of the wards, etc.

Through cooperation with the Downside Up Charity Foundation, Opeka continues to test various options for interaction and develop methodological recommendations for staff on collaborating and supervising people with Down syndrome.

Employment of special people is always a relevant issue. They want to fully participate in the life of society, become more separate and financially independent, too. Today, people with an extra chromosome have more and more opportunities to do this, and this is very inspiring.

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